
The IBW Congress works closely with senior leaders and industry advisors from the wireless eco-system to build a program that addresses challenges and opportunities associated with next generation mobile networks.

2020 IBW Congress Agenda

Day 1
15 Jun 2020
Day 2
16 Jun 2020
Day 3
17 Jun 2020

Workshop A

A Rewind Back In Time: An Evaluation of Current In-Building Technologies From the Year 2030: Discussing Strategic Plans, Facilitation, Capabilities and Assessing Their Impact

Workshop B

CBRS and 5G: Evaluating the Economics, Application and Costs Through Practical Cases to Develop an Optimised Strategy for Your Wireless Access
Philip Ziegler
Philip Ziegler
07:30 a.m. - 08:30 a.m.

Registration and Breakfast in the Exhibit Hall

Collaborating for Success: Rethinking In-Building Wireless Business Models

This headline panel session will bring together the collective knowledge and practical experiences of key stakeholders to evaluate current in-building wireless technology funding models to answer critical questions impacting the...
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Jim McCulloch
Jim McCulloch
Brandon Braunlich
Brandon Braunlich
Elizabeth Lunden
Elizabeth Lundin

CBRS Status Update: Exploring the First Commercial Deployments and the Potential Costs and Opportunities for You

Discovering the spectrum and understand how to integrate CBRS into my network structure? Deployment examples – uses in different vertical markets: Education campus Hospitality Transportation Stadiums Health Sector Enterprise Manufacturing...
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Alan Ewing
Alan Ewing
11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Networking Break in the Exhibit Hall

Application in the Real World: Utilizing 5G Technology for High-Performance Wireless Services in Dense Environments

Discover what wireless carriers are leveraging to support 5G for in-building Identify the correct supporting technology for 5G Understand how 5G can help to create efficiency and reduce costs for...
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Joe Constantine
Joe Constantine
01:00 p.m. -02:15 p.m.

Networking Lunch in the Exhibit Hall

Wi-Fi 6 Real World Case Studies: What Can and Cannot be Achieved?

Network convergence: designing, deploying and operating a 5G Wi-Fi 6 Network Which OEMs are equipped to implement Wi-Fi 6 technology? Discovering key lessons learned from existing deploying of Wi-Fi 6:...
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03:45 p.m. -04:15 p.m.

Networking Break in the Exhibit Hall

Evaluating In-Building Technology Cyber Security for CBRS, 5G and Wi-Fi 6 to Enhance Protection for Tenants

What are currently enterprises doing to strengthen their network security borders? In 5G world and CBRS world: How what measure there are to ensure security measures are optimized for my...
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Placeholder Image
Laurie Benson
Ahsan Baig
Ahsan Baig
Jay Floyd
Alan Tilles
Alan Tilles

What You Know Now is Obsolete: Looking into the Future, What Should Your 5-Year Plan Look Like to Implement 5G NR, Wi-Fi 6 and CBRS?

How am I setting up my system to be good with my system in 5-10 years? What OEMs are setting up system for CBRS, 5G and Wi-Fi 6 Enhancing workforce...
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Chad Rasmussen
Chad Rasmussen
Carrie Charles
Carrie Charles
05:15 p.m.-

End of Day One

Fresh Approaches to Optimize Network Deployments to Enhance Capabilities Resulting From Increased Device Usage

Cross examining high capacity usage facilities successful stories from Europe and Asia Discover the direct correlation between traffic and usage and creating an effective strategy to minimise disruption
10:45 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.

Networking Break

Understanding the Latest Fire Code Compliance to Minimize Wireless Dead Zones in Public Buildings

Discover what are the key considerations for building and fire code officials (or Authority Having Jurisdiction) Assessing what AHJ are asking from the building owner to enhance Fire Code Compliance?...
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Laurie Caruso
Laurie Caruso
John Foley

What are You Going to Change About Your 510 Emergency Responder Radio Coverage System in Your Building?

What are the level of responsibilities and commitments for? Building owner Companies for installation Fire departments
12:15 p.m. -01:30 p.m.

Networking Lunch in the Exhibit Hall

Breaking Away From Traditional Thinking: Understanding the Tangible Benefits of IOT

What is integral need of IOT? How to transform your existing technology backbone to leverage the benefits of IOT How to seamlessly integrate smart technology with private LTE?
02:30 p.m. -03:00 p.m.

Networking Break in the Exhibit Hall

In-Building Wireless 2025: Roaming Agreements

As the final session of the congress, this forward-thinking panel will examine the technical intricacies for voice traffic in private LTE to keep you ahead of the game: What is...
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Brandon Braunlich
Brandon Braunlich
Dennis McColl
Dennis McColl


Due to the rapidly evolving situation around COVID-19, In-Building Wireless Congress is cancelled until 2021.

We apologize for the inconvenience but are looking forward to a great event next year.
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