Phil Ziegler has 35 years of experience in wireless communications that include tactical military systems, the Global Positioning System and commercial applications. After graduation from Rutgers University with degrees in EE and Physics, his tenures have included contributions as a member of the technical staff of ITT Avionics and Space Systems Groups, Lucent Technologies – Bell Labs Innovations, and Verizon Wireless. Specializing in In-Building wireless challenges and opportunities since 2000, Phil holds two patents for indoor position location technology that facilitate E-911, and another for a DAS architecture. Since leaving Verizon wireless in 2011, Phil has served the industry as an independent consultant working with Venue Owners, Third Party Operators, DAS Equipment manufacturers, Wireless Service Providers and serving as an expert witness for wireless matters. The consulting practice included a Certified In Building Engineering Technologist Training Program (CIBET), now part of the WIA-TEC platform, where over 400 certifications were issued to WSP, SI, and equipment manufacturer’s technical staff over a five year period. Phil is currently working with the National Renewable Energy Labs, and hopes to continue the exploration into how communication infrastructure strategies become part of integrate with facility energy efficiency initiatives.